Abstract Animal Company THC Marijuana Restaurant Logo Design by Freelance Designer Jeffrey Dirkse


This is a selection of Logos I designed for various clients and self-initiated projects. It includes Logotypes, Icons, Symbols and more.

Designing a Logo is one of the most difficult tasks a designer can face. Illustrating something powerful with just a few shapes is essential for a Brand to have a versatile Logo. It goes beyond the visual aesthetics and should capture the Brand's values.
Vietnamese Restaurant Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Dog Walking Animal Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Animal Owl Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
THC Cannabis CBD Oil Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Bear Animal Logo Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
hq Typography Letter Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Japanese Asian Chinese Restaurant Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Bird Animal Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Japanese Asian Chinese Restaurant Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Healthcare Fitness Health Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
DB Lettering Typography Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Health Meal  Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Chinese Japanese Asian Sushi Restaurant Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Cannabis CBD Oil THC California Weed Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Letter J Typography Icon Mark Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Beer Beverage California THC Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Letter J Typography Icon Mark Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Hip Hop Graffiti Event Letter Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Animal Panther Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Letter M Typography Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Chinese Japanese Ramen Noodles Restaurant Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Cannabis THC Weed Letter Typography Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
90's Acid Letter Typography Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Beer Beverage Letter Alcohol Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Hardstyle Lettering Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Hardstyle Lettering Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse
Hardstyle Lettering Brand Identity Logo Graphic Mascot Design by Jeffrey Dirkse

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